(I really like this song. This was the Taiwanese response to LiveAid and the U.S.'s "We Are the World" in 1985. The Chinese is the actual lyrics; the English is my translation of it... well, my best attempt at it anyway, lol.)



(Tomorrow will be Better)


輕輕敲醒沉睡的心靈, 慢慢張開你的眼睛

(Gently awaken your sleeping spirit, slowly open your eyes.)

看看忙碌的世界是否依然, 孤獨地轉個不停

(Look around to see if the busy world is still lonelily spinning non-stop.)

春風不解風情, 吹動少年的心

(Spring winds don't explain winds, moving youth's hearts.)

讓昨日臉上的淚痕, 隨記憶風乾了

(Let the tears on the face of yesterday, be dried with the wind of memory.)

抬頭尋找天空的翅膀, 侯鳥出現牠的影跡

(Lift your head to find the wings of the sky, birds show their shadows.)

帶來遠處的飢荒無情的戰火, 依然存在的消息

(Bring the news of hunger and emotionless warfare of afar, it still exists.)

玉山白雪飄零, 燃燒少年的心

(Jade hill, white snow floating, lighting up the hearts of youths.)

使真情溶化成音符, 傾訴遙遠的祝福

(Real passion dissolved into the music of flutes, saying a prayer from afar.)


合唱:唱出你的熱情, 伸出你雙手, 讓我擁抱著你的夢

(Chorus: Sing your passion, extend your hands, let me carry your dreams.)


(Let me see your sincere face.)

讓我們的笑容, 充滿著青春的驕傲

(Let our smiles fill with youthful pride.)


(And let's give a sincere prayer for tomorrow.)


誰能不顧自己的家園, 拋開記憶中的童年

(Who can disregard one's homeland, throwing away childhood memories?)

誰能忍心看他昨日的憂愁, 帶走我們的笑容

(Who can bear to see their yesterday's sorrows, take away our smiles?)

青春不解紅塵, 胭脂沾染了灰

(Youth does not explain red dust, rouge contaminated ash.)

讓久違不見的淚水, 滋潤了你的面容

(Let the unseen tears of old cascade down your face.)


*** Chorus ***


輕輕敲醒沉睡的心靈, 慢慢張開你的眼睛

(Gently awaken your sleeping spirit, slowly open your eyes.)

看那忙碌的世界是否依然, 孤獨地轉個不停

(Look around to see if the busy world is still lonelily spinning non-stop.)

日出喚醒清晨, 大地光彩重生

(Sunrise announces morning, the land glowingly starts anew.)

讓和風拂出的音響, 譜成生命的樂章

(Let the sound of peaceful wind create the symphony of life.)


合唱: 唱出你的熱情, 伸出你雙手, 讓我擁抱著你的夢

(Chorus: Sing your passion, extend your hands, let me carry your dreams.)


(Let me see your sincere face.)

讓我們的笑容, 充滿著青春的驕傲

(Let our smiles fill with youthful pride.)


(Let us hope, tomorrow will be better.)

***Second Chorus 4x***


Last Updated: April 15, 2006