The Miscellaneous...

Anything and everything...that doesn't fit anywhere else.

Wake me up at 5am

for no reason and you'll...

Somebody's "sexy" car...

(quotes not mine :-P)

And now... a trip down memory lane...

(kinda scary how I remember 90% of the people in these pics...)

Mrs. Kraughto and 2nd grade, damn we were small...

Mr. Pessah (Mr. Astrowsky, Principal, standing in) and 3rd grade...

Mrs. Stuhl and 4th grade... the dorky looking years begin...

Mrs. Gold and 5th grade... I did mention the dorky looking years, right?!

Mr. Cohen and 6th grade... I can't believe this was 12 years ago...

Ahh... 7th grade... I was in this class for all of two months before being relocated to 7-13...

My first glass of alcohol!!!

May 2004



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Last Updated: February 12, 2007